About Us

Vutivi I Ndzhaka (VIN) is a Not-for-Profit Organisation (NPO) which was established in 2012. From its beginnings, VIN has through its members focused on providing mentoring and coaching support to matriculants from Mulati, Mafarana, Ntsako, Bonn and Sedan Villages (Herein referred to as VIN Project Area) schools throughout their matric year. This support relates to personal mastery, academic assistance, career guidance, life skills and preparedness for higher education and life beyond.

Over the years, the Organisation has sought to include the lower high school grades i.e. grade 10 and 11, thereby ensuring early and long-term interventions. Also, there is focus and interventions to reduce the high levels of teenage pregnancies and school dropouts which distract from achieving success.

Members of VIN originate from the above-mentioned communities and are passionate about giving back and improving the quality of education. Membership is however open to anyone who is willing and able to contribute to the upliftment of village education. VIN relies on voluntary funding from its members and donors which in turn is used to support and incentivise the schools and Matriculants to excel and achieve excellence. The organisation also raises funds through the sale of merchandise which includes T-shirts, caps, hoodies and hats.


To provide mentorship and coaching support to learners, more specifically matriculants from the VIN Project area throughout their academic year. The organisation also aims to provide career guidance to learners from Grade 10 to 12.


To become a partner of choice in improving village education.


To support learners in personal mastery, passing the grade, career choices, life skills, and preparedness for higher education and life beyond.

Focus Area

Mentorship, Coaching, school support through financial resources to schools with staff compliment, and Celebrating brilliance.